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Jeremiah 33:14-16               Psalm 25:1-10

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13       Luke 21:25-36


Advent teaches us to anticipate that Christ will come again to make all things new, when peace and justice will reign.


to consider:

What are you anticipating? Are you hopeful for what is to come? Or fearful? Or do you think nothing will change?


to pray:

  • For a sense of anticipation, that the way things are is not the way they will always be - to live in hope of what is God is doing and will do.

  • For justice and righteousness to reign in our land, and in all places.

  • For the kingdom to come on earth as in heaven

Week 2 - Preparation

          Malachi 3:1-4             Luke 1:68-79

  Philippians 1:3-11          Luke 3:1-6​


Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, so during Advent do we seek to prepare the way for the Lord to come to us, to the world.


to consider:

What are you preparing for? What do you want to see realized in the future - and what are you doing about it? Are your plans for yourself or for other?


to pray:

  • For discernment about what God is calling you/us to do, and for the courage to join in the work

  • That the obstacles preventing ourselves and others from receiving the Lord would be overcome.

  • For eyes of faith to see all the ways that God is already at work in us preparing for what is to come.

Week 3 - Joy

Zephaniah 3:14-20  Isaiah 12:2-6

Philippians 4:4-7       Luke 3:7-18


Joy comes when when we trust that, whatever happens, God is with us. Christ has come and Christ will come again.



to consider:

Do you experience joy? Or does life seem to prevent joy?How might we learn to find joy in the midst of the struggle?



to pray:

  • Rejoice in who God is and what God has done

  • To find joy in any all circumstances, even when we can’t find happiness

  • That God give us eyes to see, hearts to feel, and minds to comprehend all the reasons we have to be joyful.

  • That the destitute and despairing would know joy.

Week 4 - Restoration

Micah 5:2-5a     Psalm 80:1-7      Luke 1:39-55​​


When Christ comes he will restore all things - all that is lost, all that is broken, all that is wounded, all that is alienated.



to consider:

What in your life is in need of restoration? What needs healing, reconciliation, salvation? And what in the world need restoration? And how might God be calling you to join that work?



to pray:

  • To live in the hope that God, in Christ, will restore all things

  • That all that is lost, all that is broken, all that is wounded, all that is alienated would be restored.

  • For the eyes to see God at work in the world

  • For the inspiration to join God’s restoring work

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Belief Made Believable

Faith MADE Faithful

Truth Made TRUE

Word Made Flesh



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